The Sunflower family of plants is enormous, its number of species globally met or exceeded only by the Orchid family. Because there are so many genera, there are accordingly many similar-appearing ones, whether weeds such as Dandelion (Taraxacum species) or garden ornamentals. The latter are featured this month. |
The Sunflower family is named in science variously COMPOSITÆ or ASTERACEÆ; they are synonymous. Rather than show you pictures of every Sunflower family plant that I possess, below are shared only a subset: 13 selected plants, grown in gardens as ornamentals, with yellow flowers. For each, I supply a minimal amount of written information. If not so busy this month, I would supply more.
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Berlandiera lyrata ; Flowers are chocolate-scented ; photo by ALJ

Bidens ferulifolia ; Various cultivars exist ; photo by ALJ

Calendula officinalis ; Pot Marigold ; Flowers are often orange ; photo by ALJ

Chrysanthemum x grandiflora ; Common Mum ; Florists or Garden Chrysanthemum ; a celebrity flower ; photo by ALJ

Coreopsis lanceolata hybrid; photo by ALJ

Euryops pectinatus 'Viridis' ; Yellow Bush Daisy ; photo by ALJ

Gynura 'Purple Passion' ; Purple Velvet-Plant ; photo by ALJ

Helichrysum italicum ; Curry-scented foliage ; photo by ALJ

Hieracium maculatum ; Spotted Hawkweed ; lovely leaves ; photo by ALJ

Hieracium sabaudum ; Savoy Hawkweed ; Lovely but weedy ; photo by ALJ

Sanvitalia procumbens ; Creeping Zinnia ; photo by ALJ

Tagetes tenuifolia 'Lemon Gem' ; Signet Marigold ; photo by ALJ

Wedelia trilobata = Sphagneticola trilobata ; Trailing Daisy ; photo by ALJ