Below I share 12 photographs --one per month-- photographed by me (all but the brothers one) in Seattle. Being that my livelihood is a plant expert, most pictures feature plants. But also being human, half show another side of me. Naturally, most parts of my year were not photographed. For example, many pleasing face to face social interactions with relatives, friends, neighbors, clients --and even strangers. |

January: A miniature snowman at Kubota Garden.

February: First bloom on a Phalænopsis orchid in my living room. It would continue in bloom for months.

March: Looking out my living room window. The tallest tree I see towers about 160 feet in height.

April: Three brothers ; photo by ALJ's sister

May: Two Pink Hawthorn trees showing floral color variation.

June: Royal fern (Osmunda regalis) fern wild in a Seattle garden. (My April 2009 plant-of-the-month is Ferns Gone Wild in Seattle).

July: Potted flowers I did for a 89 year-old client on her birthday.

August: A rare Seattle Hawthorn tree that I must identify.

September: Part of my library of almost 1,000 books. A friend helped me with the shelf extensions.

October: Five carved pumpkins at a garden I maintain. This year I worked for over 50 different clients.

November: Chopped vegetables ready to ferment in a crock to make healthier food.

December: My living room, where I entertain much in winter when I have more time for indoor matters. Many music CDs, ample artwork, wine, candles.
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