Every month I choose a plant or
group of related plants to feature. Then I write about it and illustrate it. The goal is to share what I know. There is no plan to limit the content to a
narrow focus, so the articles will include both garden or cultivated species and wild ones. |
If any reader desires to suggest
that I treat a certain plant, feel free to contact me. Also, should I write anything that is in need of clarification, or is thought incorrect, please let me
know. |
NOTE: While updating my
Trees of Seattle book, I had no time for additional Plant of the Month articles. Hence the gap in 2005. Also July 2008 is skipped because I used that
month to write a newsletter. June 2011 found me too busy. The absence of November 2011 has no excuse.
February 2025; The most variable trees |
January 2025; Fire Flash ; Chlorophytum filipendulum ssp. amaniense |
December 2024; Durmast Oak ; Quercus petræa |
November 2024; Mahonia ; Mahonia |
October 2024; Hybrid Planetrees in Seattle ; Platanus |
September 2024; Chinese Hawthorn ; Cratægus pinnatifida |
August 2024; Turmeric ; Curcuma longa |
July 2024; Salal ; Gaultheria Shallon |
June 2024; Daimyo Oak ; Quercus dentata |
May 2024; Climbing Fern ; Stenochlæna palustris |
April 2024; The real Deadly Nightshade ; Atropa Bella-donna |
March 2024; Hackberry trees in Seattle ; Celtis |
February 2024; Amaryllis and kin |
January 2024; Smelling Trees |
December 2023; Dischidia Plants ; Dischidia spp. |
November 2023; Taiwan Rice-paper Plant ; Tetrapanax papyrifer |
October 2023; Sunflower relatives in gardens |
September 2023; Green Hawthorn ; Cratægus viridis |
August 2023; Vineleaf Pelargonium ; Pelargonium lobatum |
July 2023; Nests |
June 2023; Medinilla ; Medinilla |
May 2023; Birdnest or Tamarisk Cypress ; Chamæcyparis Lawsoniana 'Tamariscifolia' |
April 2023; 20 plants wild in cracks of Seattle photographed |
March 2023; Tobacco ; Nicotiana |
February 2023; Parsnip ; Pastinaca sativa |
January 2023; Salad Peperomia ; Peperomia pellucida |
December 2022; My 2022 year as shown in 12 photographs by ALJ |
November 2022; Knobcone Pine ; Pinus attenuata |
October 2022; Buckeye trees in Seattle ; Æsculus |
September 2022; Giant Chain-fern ; Woodwardia fimbriata |
August 2022; Rabbit's-foot Fern ; Phlebodium aureum |
July 2022; Chinese Toon ; Toona sinensis |
June 2022; Ghost Dogwood ; Cornus Wilsoniana |
May 2022; Potato ; Solanum tuberosum |
April 2022; Chinese Ground-Orchid ; Bletilla striata |
March 2022; Sorting Seattle Willow trees |
February 2022; Seattle native Thistle mixup ; Cirsium brevistylum and Cirsium edule |
January 2022; Cabbage on a Stick ; Brighamia insignis |
December 2021; Neotropical Sorrel ; Monolena primuliflora (primulæflora) |
November 2021; Edible Hibiscus ; Hibiscus Manihot |
October 2021; Montezuma Pine ; Pinus Montezumæ |
September 2021; Seasonal changes in a Seattle garden |
August 2021; Crêpe Myrtle; Lagerstrœmia |
July 2021; Pacific Crabapple ; Malus fusca |
June 2021; Black Poplar ; Populus nigra |
May 2021; Goldenchain Tree ; Laburnum anagyroides |
April 2021; Water-Celery ; Œnanthe |
March 2021; An extremely rare Hawthorn in Seattle ; Cratægus lævigata |
February 2021; Hebe ; Hebe |
January 2021; Lettuce Tree ; Pisonia grandis 'Alba' |
December 2020; Asian Spindletree ; Euonymus Hamiltonianus |
November 2020; Chinaberry Tree ; Melia Azedarach |
October 2020; White Chilean Myrtle ; Luma Chequen |
September 2020; Variegated Birdcatcher Tree ; Pisonia Brunoniana 'Variegata' |
August 2020; Mayten Tree ; Maytenus Boaria |
July 2020; The original Himalaya Blackberry ; Rubus armeniacus |
June 2020; Marsh Bedstraw ; Galium palustre |
May 2020; Snake Plant ; Sansevieria trifasciata |
April 2020; Western Mayhaw ; Cratægus opaca |
March 2020; Wax Plant ; Hoya |
February 2020; Chinese Evergreen ; Aglaonema |
January 2020; African Violet ; Saintpaulia ionantha |
December 2019; Pellitory-of-the-Wall ; Parietaria judaica |
November 2019; Seattle epiphytic plant photos by ALJ |
October 2019; Katuk ; Sauropus androgynus |
September 2019; Red Lantern-tree ; Crinodendron Hookerianum |
August 2019; plant disease and insect photos by ALJ |
July 2019; My Three Favorite Thymes |
June 2019; 70 plants in ALJ apartment |
May 2019; Cotoneaster |
April 2019; 20 Montlake Trees |
March 2019; Sissoo Spinach ; Alternanthera ficoidea 'Sissoo' |
February 2019; Sugar Cane houseplant ; Saccharum officinarum |
January 2019; Cottonwoods in Seattle |
December 2018; Gerbera Daisy ; Gerbera |
November 2018; Brief notes on Viburnum ; Viburnum |
October 2018; Blue Angel's-Trumpet. Miniature Angel's-Trumpet ; Iochroma australe |
September 2018; Handflower Tree ; Chiranthodendron pentadactylon |
August 2018; Jacqueline Hillier Elm |
July 2018; "trunk" photos by ALJ |
June 2018; Robinson Crusoe Tree Cabbage ; Sonchus brassicifolius = Dendroseris litoralis |
May 2018; Chilean Bridal Wreath or Wedding Flower ; Francoa sonchifolia |
April 2018; Heaths and Heather ; Calluna and Erica |
March 2018; Jewel Orchid ; Ludisia discolor |
February 2018; "urban ecology" photos by ALJ |
January 2018; beyond the common peanut ; Arachis spp. |
December 2017; Chaste Tree ; Vitex Agnus-castus |
November 2017; Shoo-Fly Plant or Apple of Peru; Nicandra physalodes |
October 2017; Seattle fall color in 10 photographs |
September 2017; Tropical Giant Salvia or Sage; Brillantaisia owariensis |
August 2017; Mitre Vine; Mitraria coccinea |
July 2017; 18 fruits in my garden in July, photographed |
June 2017; Rose of Jericho; Anastatica hierochuntica |
May 2017; Hosta Sieboldiana |
April 2017; Prunus seedlings photographed |
March 2017; My March in 10 photographs |
February 2017; Dumb Cane; Dieffenbachia Sequine |
January 2017; June Plum; Spondias dulcis |
December 2016; Mexican Orange; Choisya ternata |
November 2016; Floriferous November in Seattle |
October 2016; Red Oak; Quercus rubra |
September 2016; Dwarf Cardamom; Alpinia Zerumbet |
August 2016; Ephedra; Ephedra distachya |
July 2016; South American Iris; Phalocallis cœlestis |
June 2016; Snail-Flower Vines |
May 2016; Shoebutton; Ardisia elliptica |
April 2016; Polka-dot Plant; Hypoëstes phyllostachya |
March 2016; Catalina Ironwood; Lyonothamnus floribundus |
February 2016; Snowdrops; Galanthus |
January 2016; Australian Sarsaparilla; Hardenbergia violacea |
December 2015; Spiny Hibiscus; Wercklea ferox |
November 2015; the true identity of Schefflera "brevipedunculata" |
October 2015; edible Clematis spp. |
September 2015; Chili Peppers in Seattle; Capsicum spp. |
August 2015; Firecracker Vine; Manettia |
July 2015; Crimson Flag; Hesperantha coccinea |
June 2015; Parasol-leaf Tree; Macaranga grandifolia |
May 2015; Caricature Plant; Graptophyllum pictum |
April 2015; Lily of the Valley; Convallaria |
March 2015; Winged Spindletree; Euonymus alatus |
February 2015; Periwinkle; Vinca |
January 2015; Solanum Nightshades in general |
December 2014; Edible Poinsettia |
November 2014; Garlic Vines; Mansoa |
October 2014; hybrid Black Walnut trees; Juglans |
September 2014; Jaborosa; Jaborosa sativa |
August 2014; Italian Arum; Arum italicum |
July 2014; Sea Rocket; Cakile species |
June 2014; edible Mahonia |
May 2014; edible Ficus leaves |
April 2014; Japan Laurel; Aucuba japonica |
March 2014; Schmidt's Begonia; Begonia subvillosa |
February 2014; Mulberry Weed; Fatoua villosa |
January 2014; Yellow Oleander; Thevetia peruviana |
December 2013; Bougainvillea houseplant usage and edibility |
November 2013; Pleione houseplant usage and edibility |
October 2013; Crimson or Sun Bromeliad; Fascicularia bicolor |
September 2013; Croton; Codiæum variegatum |
August 2013; Hibiscus; Hibiscus species |
July 2013; edible Bellflowers; Campanula species |
June 2013; Ellwood Lawson-Cypress; Chamæcyaris Lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii' |
May 2013; Yams; Dioscorea species |
April 2013; Shrubby Gromwell; Glandora prostrata miscalled: Lithodora diffusa |
March 2013; Youth-on-Age; Tolmiea Menziesii |
February 2013; edible Crocus; Crocus species |
January 2013; Velvet Plants; Gynura species and hybrids |
December 2012; Kunming Knotweed; Polygonum microcephalum var. sphaerocephalum 'Kunming' |
November 2012; Turkish White Skullcap; Scutellaria albida |
October 2012; The notably few Edible Gesneriads |
September 2012; Sichuan Arborvitæ or Thuja; Thuja sutchuenensis |
August 2012; Love-in-a-Mist and Black Seed; Nigella spp. |
July 2012; Japanese Ginger in Seattle; Zingiber Mioga |
June 2012; Edible Elephant-Ear Plants; Alocasia species |
May 2012; Peanuts in Seattle |
April 2012; Vegetables in Seattle |
March 2012; three rare Germander species |
February 2012; Weedy Violets in Seattle |
January 2012; Chaya or Mayan Tree-Spinach; Cnidoscolus aconitifolius |
December 2011; Pineapple Guava; Acca Sellowiana |
October 2011; Pacific Yew in Seattle; Taxus brevifolia |
September 2011; Peruvian Peppertrees in Seattle; Schinus Molle |
August 2011; Devil's Club; Oplopanax horridus |
July 2011; Mount Ætna Broom; Genista ætnensis |
May 2011; Peanut-butter Fruit or Plant; Bunchosia |
April 2011; China Doll; Radermachera sinica |
March 2011; Autumn Cyclamen; Cyclamen hederifolium |
February 2011; Edible succulents in a wheel planter |
January 2011; Dudleya in Seattle |
December 2010; Pilea houseplants |
November 2010; Sweet Potatoes in Seattle; Ipomoea Batatas |
October 2010; Pacific Rhododendron; Rhododendron macrophyllum |
September 2010; Heartleaf Ice-Plant; Mesembryanthemum cordifolium |
August 2010; Carolina Hemlock; Tsuga caroliniana |
July 2010; Japan's largest trees --Part Two |
June 2010; Wild Strawberry; Fragaria vesca |
May 2010; Puget Sound Juniper; Juniperus maritima |
April 2010; Weeping Hemlock Trees in Seattle; Tsuga canadensis f. pendula |
March 2010; Chinese Money Maple; Dipteronia sinensis |
February 2010; Flannel Bush; Fremontodendron 'California Glory' |
January 2010; South Esk Pine; Callitris oblonga |
December 2009; Yellow Lily-Tree; Magnolia Ernestii = Michelia Wilsonii |
November 2009; Banyalla; Pittosporum bicolor |
October 2009; Yellow-horn Tree; Xanthoceras sorbifolium |
September 2009; Hemsley Snowbell-Tree; Styrax Hemsleyanus |
August 2009; Seattle native tree hybrids |
July 2009; Black Mulberry-Tree; Morus nigra |
June 2009; Bottlebrush shrubs; Callistemon in Seattle |
May 2009; Mrs. Davidson's Photinia |
April 2009; Ferns Gone Wild |
March 2009; Chocolate-scented flowers |
February 2009; Catalina Currant; Ribes viburnifolium |
January 2009; Pipli Tree; Exbucklandia populnea |
December 2008; Elephant Bush; Portulacaria afra |
November 2008; Incense Cedar; Calocedrus decurrens |
October 2008; Hybrid Elms in Seattle; Ulmus cultivars |
September 2008; Chilean Fire-tree; Embothrium coccineum |
August 2008; Afghan Fig; Ficus Johannis ssp. afghanistanica |
June 2008; Old Wood; Leucosidea sericea |
May 2008; Zanthoxylum trees and shrubs |
April 2008; Japan's largest trees |
March 2008; Manzanita; Arctostaphylos Manzanita |
February 2008; Beargrass; Xerophyllum tenax |
January 2008; Barbujana Laurel; Apollonias Barbujana |
December 2007; Parsley; Petroselinum crispum |
November 2007; Dog Rose; Rosa canina |
October 2007; Grape; Vitis vinifera and hybrids --in Seattle |
September 2007; Daphne --in Seattle |
August 2007; Geranium; Geranium 'Jolly Bee' and RozanneTM. |
July 2007; Ehretia Trees; Ehretia spp. |
June 2007; Madeira Vine; Anredera cordifolia |
May 2007; Trevo Tree; Dasyphyllum diacanthoides |
April 2007; Fringecups (& kin in Seattle); Tellima grandiflora |
March 2007; Cuckoo Flower; Cardamine pratensis |
February 2007; Italian Buckthorn; Rhamnus Alaternus |
January 2007; Douglas Fir; Pseudotsuga Menziesii |
December 2006; Orange-bark Myrtle; Luma apiculata |
November 2006; 'Golden Treasure' Sweetgum; Liquidambar Styraciflua 'Golden Treasure' |
October 2006; Torrey Pine; Pinus Torreyana |
September 2006; Chilean Wineberry; Aristotelia chilensis |
August 2006; Sesame; Sesamum indicum |
July 2006; Eucalyptus Dalrympleana; Eucalyptus Dalrympleana |
June 2006; Scarlet Runner Bean; Phaseolus coccineus |
May 2006; Alexanders; Smyrnium Olusatrum |
April 2006; Azara; Azara spp. |
March 2006; South African Persimmon Shrub; Diospyros austro-africana |
February 2006; Black Hawthorn; Cratægus Douglasii |
January 2006; Soapbark Tree; Quillaja Saponaria |
July 2005; Wattle; Acacia |
June 2005; Tamarisk; Tamarix |
May 2005; Spindle Tree; Euonymus europæus |
April 2005; Japanese Flowering Cherries in Seattle; Prunus cultivars |
March 2005; Japanese Apricot; Prunus Mume |
February 2005; Tall Trees in Seattle |
January 2005; Yew Pine; Podocarpus macrophyllus |
December 2004; Summer Holly; Comarostaphylis diversifolia |
November 2004; Nut-sedge; Cyperus esculentus |
October 2004; Hopbush; Dodonæa viscosa |
September 2004; Canyon Live Oak; Quercus chrysolepis |
August 2004; Mexican Plum; Prunus mexicana |
July 2004; Cat Thyme; Teucrium Marum |
June 2004; Evergreen Dogwood; Cornus capitata |
May 2004; Savory-Scented Thyme; Thymus pannonicus |
April 2004; Chilean Hazel; Gevuina Avellana |
March 2004; Forget Me Not; Myosotis spp. |
February 2004; Cutleaf Tanoak; Lithocarpus densiflorus f. attenuato-dentatus |
January 2004; Wintergreen; Gaultheria procumbens |
December 2003; 'Gibbs' Golden Gage' Crabapple; Malus 'Gibbs' Golden Gage' |
November 2003; Urbanite Ash®; Fraxinus americana Urbanite® |
October 2003; Water Pepper; Polygonum Hydropiper |
September 2003; Briançon Apricot; Prunus brigantina |
August 2003; Toothache Plant; Acmella oleracea |
July 2003; Hummingbird Mints; Agastache |
June 2003; Fairy Crassula; Crassula multicava |
May 2003; Coast Redwood; Sequoia sempervirens |
April 2003; Yellow Archangel; Lamium Galeobdolon |
March 2003; Celery; Apium graveolens |
February 2003; Sweetbay; Magnolia virginiana |
January 2003; Evergreen Huckleberry; Vaccinium ovatum |
December 2002; Oca; Oxalis tuberosa |
November 2002; Ornamental Crabapples; genus Malus |
October 2002; Cascara; Rhamnus Purshiana |
September 2002; Rocket |
August 2002; Oregon Grape; Mahonia Aquifolium |
July 2002; Hardy Ice Plants |
June 2002; Banana Shrub; Michelia Figo |
May 2002; Sorrel |
April 2002; Bigleaf Maple; Acer macrophyllum |
March 2002; Bittercress |
February 2002; Cold-hardy Eucalyptus |
January 2002; Scented Geraniums |
December 2001; Osmanthus x Fortunei 'San José' |