Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
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25 Trees that thrive in the maritime Northwest's Dry Summers.
    25 trees that usually thrive --even in especially hot or sunny sites.
    We should plant more trees that need little or no watering once established. Seattle and nearby Puget Sound has a dry-summer climate --as does most of western North America. Yet we plant many trees that hail from summer-rainfall regions such as Back East, and Japan. Katsura-tree, for example. We ought not exlude thirsty trees, but they should be used more sparingly --or planted where ground-water is accessible such as near streams. Water is precious. And in gardens of mixed plantings, watering encourages more growth, fungal problems, and weeds --hence more maintenance. Less watering on many species also induces brighter fall color. Aspens are an example.
    The following 25 trees are by no means the only ones I promote: I have a much longer list used in consulting. Those below were all I could fit onto one 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper given as a handout at my lecture in the February 2010 Northwest Flower and Garden Show. At the same venue, nurseryman Mike Lee lectured on drought-tolerant shrubs. We repeated this lecture at the April PlantAmnesty meeting.

California Buckeye; Æsculus californica
Chitalpa; Chitalpa tashkentensis
Russian Olive; Elæagnus angustifolia
Loquat; Eriobotrya japonica
Eucalypt or Gum; most Eucalyptus spp.
Mount Etna Broom; Genista ætnensis
Crape Myrtle; Lagerstrœmia indica
Pillar or Largeleaf Crab-Apple; Malus Tschonoskii
Black Mulberry-Tree; Morus nigra
Chinese Pistachio; Pistacia chinensis
Hungarian Oak; Quercus Frainetto
Oregon White Oak; Quercus Garryana
Silverleaf Oak; Quercus hypoleucoides
Black Locust; Robinia Pseudoacacia
Hooker or Beach Pussy-Willow; Salix Hookeriana
Blue Elder; Sambucus cerulea

Spanish Fir; Abies Pinsapo
Incense Cedar; Calocedrus decurrens
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar; Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'
Smooth Arizona Cypress; Cupressus arizonica var. glabra
Italian Cypress; Cupressus sempervirens
Needle or Temple Juniper; Juniperus rigida
Rocky Mountain Juniper; Juniperus scopulorum
Single-needle Piñon; Pinus monophylla
Ponderosa Pine; Pinus ponderosa

Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert

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