Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
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Good New Things to be thankful for

    'Tis the season of thanksgiving, and we've loads to feel grateful for. These days in general there is too much bad news, and too much pining for the Good Old Days. A lifelong Seattle resident, my childhood was in the 1960s and 70s. Below is a list of 66 New Developments or Things that either were in their infancy then, or were born then --or since then. Naturally, every person would compile a unique list. For example, I loathe coffee, so there is no mention on my list of the explosion of good coffee options; leaf blowers are hellish to me, so they're not on the list. If you dislike my list, make your own; the longer you live the longer your list grows. Below is mine. I forgot dozens of worthy matters, but its 66 entries are a start. Note that it is Seattle-centric:

    Post-it notes
    Digital cameras
    Self-adhesive postage stamps
    Cheap solar energy panels
    Telephone answering machines
    Trivia contests at local pubs
    Color TV
    Tamper-proof containers
    Smoke-free buildings & planes
    Metro bus shelters
    Murals common on walls
    Curb cuts
    Much public art
    Personal computers
    The Internet
    Seattle Opera
    Spell checkers
    Cell phones (though I do not use them)
    Naturopathy medicine acceptance
    Recycling taken for granted
    Clean Green & curbside yard-waste pickup
    Microbrew or craft beer
    Woodland Park Zoo facelift
    Bicycle racks
    Dog leash-law
    Fireworks restrictions
    Plethora of dietary choices
    Sewage secondary treatment
    Pollution crackdown on autos
    Master Gardeners
    Tougher DUI laws
    More plant choices at nurseries
    Car safety airbags, safety glass, etc.
    LEDs (light-emiting diodes)
    Grocery market scanners
    Less lead in gasoline & paint
    Ergonomic awareness
    Surge of philanthropy
    Neighborhood farmers markets
    Energy-saving lightbulbs
    Pocket calculators
    Bikini swimsuits
    911 help line
    Bus/car-pool lanes
    Community Colleges
    More credit union enrollment
    Telemarketer Do-Not-Call lists
    Photocopy machines
    Thai restaurants
    Lithium-ion batteries
    The EPA
    Computer-generated movie effects
    Multigear bicycles now the norm
    P-Patch gardens
    The Burke-Gilman trail
    The Flower & Garden Show
    Pro-Parks levy
    Hair of the Dog brewing company
    National Public Radio (NPR)
    Green Building movement
    Daylight Savings Time
    Cargo pants with 10 pockets
    Houseplant surge

(originally published in my November 26th 2007 newsletter)


Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert
Arthur Lee Jacobson plant expert

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